Обложка книги Practical guide Moscow, Косяков Денис Николаевич, Назарова Татьяна Викторовна  
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Издательство: Вокруг света, 2009
Переплёт: Мягкая обложка, 118 страниц
Категория: Путеводители
ISBN: 978-5-9900442-3-4
Формат: 156x120x7 мм, 136 г

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📖 Dear traveller, welcome to Moscow!
Today Moscow is on your way, the biggest city in the European and Asian Continent, and the capital of the world biggest country. If you arrived from Asia, it would be worth adding "Welcome to Europe!", and if from Europe - "Welcome to Asia!".
Our edition is intended to help travellers to freely orientate, move and communicate in the unknown megalopolis, speaking the other language.
We wish you an interesting traveling!