Обложка книги Playway to English. Level 1. Second Edition. Audio (3CD), Gerngross Gunter, Puchta Herbert  
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Издательство: Cambridge, 2015
Серия: Playway to English 2nd Edition
Категория: Изучение иностранного языка
ISBN: 4623720779689, 462-3-7207-7968-9
Формат: 124x141x23 мм, 146 г
🔖 Аудиоматериалы для выполнения заданий из учебника и рабочей тетради. 3 диска.

Pupils acquire English through play, music and Total Physical Response, providing them with a fun and dynamic learning experience. At Level 1 children learn to use English confidently through listening and speaking before they are taught to read and write in levels 2, 3 and 4. The course features a wide range of support materials for teachers, including a DVD with entertaining sketches and animated cartoon stories, presenting target language in an amusing and motivating way. The course comes with a set of illustrated story cards and flashcards to help children remember what they've learned.

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