Обложка книги The Hard Way, Child Lee  
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рейтинг книги The Hard Way

Издательство: Bantam books, 2011
Переплёт: Мягкая обложка, 532 страницы
Серия: Jack Reacher
Категория: Детективы и триллеры на английском языке
ISBN: 9780857500137
Формат: 196x127x32 мм, 358 г

Где найти книгу?

📗 Jack Reacher is alone, the way he likes it.

He watches a man cross a New York street and drive away in a Mercedes. The car contains $1 million of ransom money. Reacher's job is to make sure it all turns out right - money paid, family safely returned.

But Reacher is in the middle of a nasty little war where nothing is simple.

What started on a busy New York street explodes three thousand miles away, in the sleepy English countryside.

Reacher's going to have to do this one the hard way.