Обложка книги Cradle to Cradle, Braungart Michael, McDonough William  
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Издательство: Vintage books, 2019
169 страниц
Серия: Patterns of Life
Категория: Естественные и технические науки
ISBN: 9781784873653
Формат: 176x127x13 мм, 150 г
🔖 Michael Braungart and William McDonough propose a plan for our planet in this stunning new edition of their radical ecological manifesto.

This book proposes a new vision for modern industry. Instead of our current wasteful and polluting methods of manufacturing, we could be taking nature as a model for making things. With the right redesign, objects that have come to the end of their useful lives should provide the basis for something new. In designing and producing products we need to stop worrying about being 'less bad' and start finding ways of actually being good.

Patterns of Life: Special Editions of Groundbreaking Science Books

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