Обложка книги Modern Times, Sweeney Cathy  
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Издательство: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2022
Переплёт: Мягкая обложка, 152 страницы
Серия: W&N Essentials
Категория: Современная проза на английском языке
ISBN: 9781474618496
Формат: 197x130x13 мм, 150 г
📓 There once was ...

a woman who loved her husband's cock so much that she began taking it to work in her lunchbox.

a man who made films without a camera, which transfixed his estranged daughter.

a couple who administered electric shocks to each other, to be reminded of what love is.

a world where you wake up one day and notice that, one by one, people are turning blue.

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