Обложка книги Anne of Avonlea, Montgomery Lucy Maud  
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рейтинг книги Anne of Avonlea

Издательство: Virago, 2017
328 страниц
Серия: Virago Children’s Classics
Категория: Художественная литература для детей на англ.яз.
ISBN: 9780349009384
Формат: 198x127x21 мм, 246 г

Где найти книгу?

📒 The second book in the Anne Shirley series.

'Having adventures comes natural to some people,' said Anne serenely. 'You just have a gift for them or you haven't.'

Five years ago, Anne arrived at Avonlea a skinny orphan without a friend in the world; now it would be impossible to imagine Green Gables without her. Anne's high spirits and warm heart have won her a family and friends who love her. But when she starts a job as a teacher at her old school, the real test of her character begins: at 'half past sixteen', she's not much older than her pupils and has a lot to prove. How can she inspire a love of learning in young minds - especially when some of her students are even naughtier than she ever was?