Обложка книги Ghost World, Clowes Daniel  
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рейтинг книги Ghost World

Издательство: Jonathan Cape, 2000
Переплёт: Мягкая обложка, 80 страниц
Категория: Графические романы на английском языке
ISBN: 9780224060882
Формат: 260x170x10 мм, 240 г
📕 Ghost World is the story of Enid and Rebecca, teenage friends facing the unwelcome prospect of adulthood, and the uncertain future of their complicated relationship. Clowes conjures a balanced semblance, both tender and objective, of their fragile existence, capturing the mundane thrills and hourly tragedies of a waning adolescence, as he follows a tenuous narrative thread through the fragmented lives of these two fully realised young women.

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