Обложка книги Sputnik: Postinternet Guide: Moscow, Issue 1, 2015, Марк Зисельсон,Филипп Миронов,Олег Едигаров,Анастасия Суханова,Виктория Лобанова,Тимофей Яржомбек,Юлия Алексеева,Анна Дюльгерова  
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Издательство: Москвич, 2016
80 страниц
Категория: Книги
ISBN: 978-5-902945-19-2
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🔖 Moscow is an exciting city to discover. It's anamnesis is extremely dynamic and unpredictable—you never know what statement to expect tomorrow.
Today an art cluster opens on a ship, tomorrow all floating vessels are proclaimed illegal. Today sophisticated cocktails are in vogue, tomorrow craft beer runs the show. Today it's decided to erect a giant statue at the observation platform and even the process is due to kick off tomorrow. Yet no one can guarantee that a different spot won't be chosen for the statue the day after.
Catching, tasting, discerning, foreseeing, documenting and articulating how global trends assimilate in Moscow, as well as bearing witness to the birth of authentic local movements—all of this and more interests "Sputnik".
Sputnik, born in the internet age. makes the most of internet's resources instead of ignoring it. We analyze trends so that you can freely navigate around Moscow (not just geographically). We don't just talk about the standard fare, but about what's relevant now—through articles, itineraries and interviews.
"Sputnik" is the quintessence of everything that's great about Moscow at a particular moment in time, and more so, employs a visual aesthetic that the moment calls for. To underscore this credo, we decided to put out a print edition—wholesome and complete. But tomorrow...