Обложка книги Evolution of the U.S. Missile Defense beyond 2040 and Russia’s Stance, Vladimir Kozin  
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Издательство: Издательство имени Сабашниковых,РИСИ, 2016
Переплёт: Твердый переплет, 484 страницы
Категория: Литература на иностранных языках
ISBN: 978-582420-145-1
Язык: Английский
Тираж: 1000

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📕 The monograph (second English edition) offers an in-depth analysis of the conceptual and practical development of the U.S. missile defense in retrospect: over the entire post-war period up till January 2016. Specific examples and facts are used to describe Washington's initiating role in implementing the BMDS project of a multi-layered missile defense, both in the specific regions and on the global scale in general. Special attention is paid to assessing the prospects of emplacing missile defense under President Barack Obama and establishing direct links between the U.S. and NATO missile defense infrastructure with their nuclear and conventional weapons. The study offers a detailed description of the activities of the Soviet Union and, mainly, the Russian Federation aimed at resolving the missile defense issue based on principles of equality and equal security, and also in connection to reductions of strategic and tactical nuclear arms.The monograph is addressed to a broad range of readers interested in missile defense issues and also in problems of Russia-U.S. and Russia-NATO relations.