Издательство: Музей русского импрессионизма,Арт-бюро "Классика", 2016
Переплёт: Твердый переплет, 232 страницы
Категория: Искусство и культура
ISBN: 439439439, 978-5-9908694-2-4
Язык: Английский
Цветные иллюстрации; Антология

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📒 "Today, visitors to the Museum of Russian Impressionism and readers of its catalogue look upon a collection that I have been gathering for over fifteen years. It began modestly, but my enthusiasm for it grew with time, as I read and discovered more and more. I always purchased what I liked personally, and never let passing fashions for any particular artist guide me.People often ask why I felt the need to open a museum, and why I didn't just carry on acquiring paintings for myself, just to live with them surrounding me. I did this when I realised how many excellent Russian artists have not found the fame they deserve. Some have missed out on this due to the twists and turns of historical fate, while others never aimed for it in the first place. I wanted to have the story of these people told, as well as that of what they created. And so the project for the Museum came about.I hope that the works I myself so love will find a similar response in others.The opening of a museum is no small or simple matter. I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have taken part in realising my idea: the architects and consultants, art scholars and Jesigners, and all members of the Museum team - and, of course, the artists without whom none of his would have been possible."Boris Mints, Museum Founder.