Издательство: Интербук-бизнес, 2008
Переводчик: Barbara Eiler
Переплёт: Твердый переплет, футляр, 344 страницы
Категория: Искусство и культура
ISBN: 978-5-89164-198-3
Язык: Английский
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📒 Cold arms made at the Zlatoust Weapon-Manufacturing Factory and decorated by Zlatoust engraving on the metal is a most outstanding, unique phenomenon, which has deep historical roots. Sanctified by the names of famous armourers Ivan Bushuev, Ivan Boyarshinov and Pavel Anosov (the creator of Russian Damascus steel), nowadays that phenomenon received a brilliant development thanks to the activity of a number of modern enterprises the art production of which confirms the glory of Zlatoust as the unique weapon-making center of Russian and of the whole world.In the first part of this wonderfully designed album, the reader will get acquainted with the masterpieces of Russian armourers. The works date back to the 19th century and are taken from the funds of the Zlatoust Museum of Local lore. The reader will also see the works of the outstanding masters of the Soviet period available in the "Assortment Cabinet" of the Industrial Association Named after I.N. Bushuev. Many of those creations are published for the first time, the fact, which undoubtedly increases the scientific value of the edition.The second part is devoted to the activity of the most well-known modern Zlatoust enterprises, which proved themselves as true successors of the great artistic traditions of the past. The reader will also see the best weapon specimen.The presented materials are meant both for the experts in the sphere of weapon-making and decorative and applied art; collectors, connoisseurs of weapons, and fo...