Обложка книги Autistic child. help Path. 6th Edition, O. S. Nikolskaja, E. R. Baenskaja, M. M. Libling  
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Категория: Психология

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🔖 The book is dedicated to one of the most complicated and mysterious of mental development of children - early childhood autism. Highlight the features and difficulties of mental development and socialization of autistic children, the ways of assistance in their education and family education. The problems of diagnosing young children; suggests approaches to assist in relatively light and in a rather severe cases of childhood autism. Recommendations are based on the experience of many years of specialists from the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education and the Center for Curative Pedagogics (Moscow). The authors were awarded the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education. For a wide range of professionals involved in working with autistic children, and families in which such children grow up.