Обложка книги My Short Story Collection, Barry Lee Jones  
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148 страниц
Категория: Фантастика
ISBN: 9781312972865
Язык: Английский

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🔖 (word count-38,741) In Communicating through time, while surveying a planet for possible colonization an astronaut encounters a creature that he thinks is hostile, but can't be sure. In Healthclub, the crew members of a spaceship relate their stories to a new crew member. In Captives of Benevolence, the crew of the EBA, Lancelot find little creatures and study them. The creatures turn out to be smarter than the Lancelot crew gives them credit for. In Courtroom, a local reverend and a local con man each live their lives and in the end die and go to judgement day, where they are judged. In Infestation, an eye salve causes a man to see auras and be able to tell who is good and who is evil. The Explorers, is about a company that maps the surface Mars. The Language Barrier takes place in the future. Three writers are assigned the task of doing a documentary on the history of the Earth's world state at the time. Where Do You Think You Are is about a man who finds a genie in an old oil can.