Обложка книги Lady Mustang, Phil Nussbaum  
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188 страниц
Категория: Литература на иностранных языках
ISBN: 9781304707123
Язык: Английский

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📙 Frank O'Brian's whole life has been prep for this Mustang's restoration. Not only does he know the systems like a factory rep, he has had the benefit of being around the experts back in Korea and he still knows where to find them within Boeing's ranks. His biggest challenge will be getting them to work for a young woman who does not yet realize what this restoration will eventually take.Susan Hunter is a woman on a journey towards respect, acknowledgement and humility. All of which is dealt to her from a band of friends and those who love her. Any journey, including this one, is full of fits and starts until slowly things begin to meld together as the group replaces sarcasm with trust, doubt with aid, despair with faith. One day Susan will strap on one of the most powerful and famous airplanes ever built. If you are a pilot or ever wanted to be, this book will feed your soul.