Обложка книги Torah Gematria of the Set-Apart Spirit - Yahuwashe The Lesser Yahuweh The Son, The Elohiyem, John Martin  
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102 страницы
Категория: Религия
ISBN: 9781329382602
Язык: Иврит

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📗 Torah Gematria of the Set-Apart Spirit is the mind of the letters of He, Wow and Yowud, the spiritual substratum of the creation, to reveal the mystery of the Son Yahuwashe The Messiah The Elohiyem who is the Lesser Yahuweh and who was concealed within the bosom of the Infinite One, the Set-Apart Righteous Abba Yahuweh before the creation of worlds as Ahayeh "I'AM", the Beginning and the End. He eternally exists as that Living Qnoma, the Supernal letters sustaining the creation from the Greater Yahuweh The Father.