Обложка книги Here and Here After, Dr. Hilton L. Anderson  
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202 страницы
Категория: Литература на иностранных языках
ISBN: 9781495813726
Язык: Английский

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📙 The availability and the study of the book A Course in

Miracles since the late 1970’s along with an extensive

reading of psychical research has resulted in the belief

system developed in this book. The primary viewpoint

is that of the Course in Miracles supplemented by the

Quantum Mechanic revolution since the early twentieth

century and continuing today, along with the expanding

psychical research fi ndings over the past one hundred

and thirty years since the founding of the British and

American Societies for Psychical Research. The need

for humanity to accept the oneness of universal love

and the evidence for the survival of mind after physical

death of the body are explored.