Обложка книги Task Management, MD Uddin  
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40 страниц
Категория: Учебная литература
ISBN: 9783843370479
Язык: Английский

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📕 Task 1: Identify possible business aims Identify the possible information systems requirements for Sports-Qits. Provided a short discussion on the technical and non- technical constraints within which information systems requirements are specified (for example: time, money, priorities). 3-6 Task 2: Using the Soft Systems Methodology (SSM), develop a project plan for Sports- Qits. Describe how your plan will overcome the problems faced by Sports-Qits. Provided short discussions on how the timescales and resources were allocated for each stage of the plan. 7-13 Task 3: Provided a short summary of different leadership styles. In relation to your project plan, explain how effective leadership can overcome some of the problems that are likely to occur in implementing your plan. 14-18 Task 4: Described how effective communication can overcome some of the potential problems in designing and developing your project plan. Describe how 'mentoring' and 'coaching' can overcome potential problems during implementation of your plan. 19-26 Conclusion and Bibliography 26 References & Bibliography 28 Appendices 29-30