Обложка книги Kicking Off, Fiona Park  
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34 страницы
Категория: Психология
ISBN: 9781783821853
Язык: Английский

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📘 Yes! This is the mad house, better known as the asylum! The year is 1978; it is the beginning of the end for patients committed for life. This was the era of token economy therapy, when this practice was at its height.Ian, the main character, is a war hero. He suffers from paranoid schizophrenia. Tortured by confinement and hallucinations he knows this is a case of 'til death do us part', but he feels that he would rather have a woman any day. Now and then he loses the plot and kicks off for freedom. This book has humour, suffering and a love interest. Bi-polar and dementia are featured as is self-harm and a patient with behavioural problems.