Обложка книги The Cherry Ribband, S R Crockett  
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362 страницы
Категория: Романы
ISBN: 9781908933096
Язык: Английский

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🔖 First published in 1905, this story tells of the impact of ‘The Killing Times’ on families in Scotland. Divisions between East and West and between Covenanters and King’s Men are skilfully drawn in an action packed historical adventure romance.‘The Cherry Ribband ‘will satisfy his public. Mr Crockett has skilfully contrived to engage the reader’s interest all through, and one reviewer at least must plead guilty to having read ‘The Cherry Ribband’ at a single sitting, so vivid and varied is its handling of the period. Originally serialised as ‘Peden the Prophet’ this is much less a story of religion and much more a story of love. We see how families were split in the Killing Times and the consequences of the opposition between King’s Men and Covenanters. The hero Raith Ellison and the heroine Ivie Rysland are both charming and compelling characters. The action moves from Galloway to the East Coast of Scotland with excellent descriptions of the coast and the Bass Rock Prison Island. History is ‘bent’ to serve the story but this only adds to the excitement of the adventure laden plot.