Обложка книги A Galloway Herd, S R Crockett  
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240 страниц
Категория: Романы
ISBN: 9781908933195
Язык: Английский

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📘 Never before published in the UK, this was Crockett’s first novel and in episodic style tells the story of Watty Anderson, a boy for whom nothing is ordinary, and who sees romance in everything around him. A tale of rural childhood to rival Laurie Lee. On Scotch soil Mr Crockett is always charming, in France he is obviously playing with fire. Crockett has the bee of popularity in his bonnet and as a plot-inventor he has surpassed himself in this new venture. His new story, though involved and ‘sensational’ is certainly interesting. One reads it all through. Serialised in 1891-2, some chapters were included in ‘Bog Myrtle and Peat’ but this edition of ‘A Galloway Herd’ is the first time that Wattie Anderson’s incredible, implausible story is available to readers in the UK in novel form. An unabashed tale of a rural childhood, where nothing is ordinary and romance is everywhere, this is a must read for anyone who thrills to boy’s own adventure, dramatically told. This is sensational melodrama at its best – give yourself up to it and you will be fully rewarded