Обложка книги The Vengeance of Blue Pete, Luke Allan  
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220 страниц
Категория: Детективы
ISBN: 9781988304397
Язык: Английский

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🔖 When Blue Pete intervened with the enraged ranchers to save Butch Dorman from the revenge he so richly deserved, Pete immediately became an object of suspicion himself. That suited Pete, because, although it meant hitting the lone trail in a hail of bullets, he saw a chance of the big reward offered for the capture of the rustlers whose depredations were making the ranchers desperate. But neither he, the ranchers, the rustlers nor the Mounties quite anticipated the climax of his daring escapade.This new Western yarn, in which Blue Pete, the most popular of all cowboy characters, scores all along the line, is the most thrilling of any that the author has yet written.