Обложка книги In The Name Of Jesus, Robert L. Campbell  
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76 страниц
Категория: Развитие ребенка
ISBN: 9781643490205
Язык: Английский

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📒 A young Jewish boy living in the city of Jerusalem witnesses a crucifixion. It is not the first one he has seen, but something about this one is different. One of the men being crucified does not yell out in hatred and anger. Rather, he speaks out with forgiveness. Other things are also different. Who is that man. His father, a temple merchant explains that the man, Jesus, is a bad man. He is attempting to cause trouble for the city and the Roman rulers. Accounts from many people in the city say something otherwise. How can he find out the truth? And how can he share what he learns with his family? A series of unlikely and unexpected events in the life of the family changes everything about their lives. It also brings them to an understanding of the man Jesus.