Обложка книги Created for Belonging. Understanding the Longing to Feel Connected and to Whom, Robert B. Shaw Jr.  
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172 страницы
Категория: Религия
ISBN: 9781973633433
Язык: Английский

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📖 Ultimately, we belong to God. He created us. He loves us. He provided the world where we live for our benefit. He desires for us to be in relationship, first and foremost, with him and then with one another. We are created in his image, where, if we truly examine ourselves, we find that we cannot find any other way to discover our ultimate meaning and connectedness outside of being connected ultimately to God. Sin separates. Thats why God hates sin. He is a relational God, and he hates sin because it separates us from him.

The study of psychology reveals to us the need in every human being to feel connected and significant, revealing that without them, the ability to thrive as an individual is hampered or may not occur at all. Coupled with Gods Word and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, we can experience some life-giving truths about our need for belonging.