Обложка книги The Paradoxes of High Stakes Testing. How They Affect Students, Their Parents, Teachers, Principals, Schools, and Society (PB), George Madaus, Michael Russell, Jennifer Higgins  
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264 страницы
Категория: Учебная литература
ISBN: 9781607520276
Язык: Английский

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📙 The book's goal is to clarify for parents, the public, and policy makers what high stakes testsare and how their use affects our schools, children, and society. It explores the various uses,limitations, and paradoxical consequences of high stakes testing.The present context of testing and the reauthorization of No Child Left Behind make theproposed book timely and important. Current testing programs provide valuable information toteachers, parents, and policy-makers about students, schools, and school systems. Butparadoxically, these programs have unintended yet predictable negative consequences for manystudents, teachers, and schools. It is essential that the public and policy-makers understand the scope and impacts that result from theinherent paradoxical nature of high-stakes testing.Testing is viewed by policy makers across party lines as an "objective" measure of student attainment and has become their toolof choice to drive educational "reform" and hold children, teachers, schools, and districts accountable. Bipartisan support for test-basedaccountability is firm. For example, on January of 2005 President Bush called on Congress to extend NCLB testing in math and scienceto freshmen, sophomores and juniors citing poor performance among high school students as a "warning and a call to action." (NYT 01/13/05) Senator Kennedy, a critic of the President, nonetheless supported the President's proposed high school testing provisions.