84 страницы
Категория: Учебная литература
ISBN: 9781602063594
Язык: Английский

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📖 A survey of the major figures and mathematical movements of the 19th century, this is a thorough examination of every significant foundation stone of today's modern mathematics. Providing clear and concise articles on the fundamental definition of numbers through to quantics and infinite series, as well as exposition on the relationships between theorems, this volume, which was first published in 1896, cements itself as an essential reference work, a solid jumping-off point for all students of mathematics, and a fascinating glimpse at the once-cutting edge that now is taken for granted in an ever-changing scientific field. New York lawyer and mathematician DAVID EUGENE SMITH (1860-1944) authored a number of books while a professor of mathematics at Columbia University, including The Teaching of Elementary Mathematics (1900), A History of Japanese Mathematics (1914), and The Sumario Compendioso of Brother Juan Diez (1921).