📖 Over the past several years, leading companies haveentered a period of major marketing and operationaladjustment and convergence, or intersection. It's areaction to a critical fact of life: Customers-not organizations-now control the decision-making dynamicsand how organizations are perceived. We arewitnessing significant multichannel media application(and resultant omnichannel access by consumers),along with more effective and pervasive customerdata gathering, analysis, and modeling.If you're observing these major shifts in your ownorganization, you'll need this book. Inside, you'lllearn how to build proactive customer communication,improve relationships, drive positive brandperception, optimize channel selection and messagepersonalization, and enhance employee-related factors(hiring, training, reward, recognition), all leadingto superior customer experience and a customercentricculture. In addition, the author has incorporatedcontent on "Big Data" generation and analytics,which you'll master while scoring a direct hit to themoving target-your continuously changing, and increasinglyindependent, customer base.