🔖 Contemporary public relations practice has developedover the last several decades from the weak third sisterin marketing, advertising, and public relations mix to afull player. To help you keep up to speed with the excitingchanges and developments of publications, this book hasbeen updated to provide you with the necessary understandingof the problems and promises of public relationsresearch, measurement, and evaluation.As a public relations professional, this book will guideyou through the effective use of methods, measures, andevaluation in providing grounded evidence of the success(or failure) of public relations campaigns. This second editiontakes a best practices approach-one that focuses onchoosing the appropriate method and rigorously applyingthat method to collect the data that best answers theobjectives of the research. It also presents an approach topublic relations that emphasizes the profession's impacton the client's return on investment in the public relationsfunction.