📙 Bring a pot of absurdity to a boil then add liberal doses of humour, two cups surrealism, and a pinch of mystery. Mix thoroughly. Separate into sixteen portions, cool to room temperature, sit back and enjoy as a man discovers that the girl of his dreams is definitely not as she appears. A wayward angel stiffs someone for a restaurant bill. Canada is governed by an agreeable and popular polymorphous blob that cannot see, hear, or speak. An innocent man awakens in a courtroom to find himself on trial for spurning a young woman. A guilty man is awakened and handed a package that he ignores at his own peril.Within these sixteen short stories you will travel into another dimension - a dimension of the mind. A journey into a fantastic realm where imagination knows no bounds. Where dreams and reality make strange bedfellows and logic and madness fight for the blanket. That's the signpost up ahead- your next stop, Neurotica!