Обложка книги The Fortunes of Nigel by Sir Walter Scott, Fiction, Historical, Sir Walter Scott  
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468 страниц
Категория: Детективы
ISBN: 9781598189230
Язык: Английский

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📖 Having, in the tale of the Heart of Mid-Lothian, succeeded in some degree in awakening an interest in behalf of one devoid of those accomplishments which belong to a heroine almost by right, I was next tempted to choose a hero upon the same unpromising plan; and as worth of character, goodness of heart, and rectitude of principle, were necessary to one who laid no claim to high birth, romantic sensibility, or any of the usual accomplishments of those who strut through the pages of this sort of composition, I made free with the name of a person who has left the most magnificent proofs of his benevolence and charity that the capital of Scotland has to display.--From Sir Walter Scott's introduction