Обложка книги Life's Handicap by Rudyard Kipling, Fiction, Literary, Short Stories, Rudyard Kipling  
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316 страниц
Категория: Книги
ISBN: 9781592243143
Язык: Английский

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📕 These tales have been collected from all places, and all sorts of people, from priests in the Chubara, from Ala Yar the carver, Jiwun Singh the carpenter, nameless men on steamers and trains round the world, women spinning outside their cottages in the twilight, officers and gentlemen now dead and buried, and a few, but these are the very best, my father gave me. The greater part of them have been published in magazines and newspapers, to whose editors I am indebted; but some are new on this side of the water, and some have not seen the light before. The most remarkable stories are, of course, those which do not appear -- for obvious reasons.