Обложка книги The Monastery by Sir Walter Scott, Fiction, Historical, Literary, Sir Walter Scott  
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416 страниц
Категория: Книги
ISBN: 9781592243624
Язык: Английский

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📗 The land that held the monastery was quiet and forbidding -- ". . . As our Glendearg did not abound in mortal visitants, superstition had peopled its recesses with beings belonging to another world. The savage and capricious Brown Man of the Moors, a being which seems the genuine descendant of the northern dwarfs, was supposed to be seen there frequently, especially after the autumnal equinox, when the fogs were thick, and objects not easily distinguished. The Scottish fairies, too, a whimsical, irritable, and mischievous tribe, who, though at times capriciously benevolent, were more frequently adverse to mortals, were also supposed to have formed a residence in a particularly wild recess of the glen. . . ."