Обложка книги A Millionaire of Rough-and-Ready by Bret Harte, Fiction, Westerns, Historical, Bret Harte  
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104 страницы
Категория: Литература на иностранных языках
ISBN: 9781606642191
Язык: Английский

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📗 GOLD STRIKE!Slinn has struck gold!A prospector in the Wildest West of California near the town of "Rough-and-Ready," dirt-poor Slinn has been working a claim for weeks when he discovers a vein or bright quartz and shiny gold in his tunnel.He can finally bring his family out to California. Should he build them a mansion here in this new and wonderful territory? Or would they prefer the civilization of San Francisco?But before he can do anything, tell anyone, poor Slinn suffers a paralytic stroke. He can't communicate to anyone, let alone enjoy his newfound riches.Years later, Alvin Mulready comes to "Rough-and-Ready." Sinking an artesian shaft into a shaft to make a well, Mulready strikes gold.But then Slinn's son comes to the area and finds his father in a Sacramento hospital.The old man stirs.Gold shines in his eyes . . .