Обложка книги The American Senator, Volume II of II by Anthony Trollope, Fiction, Literary, Anthony Trollope  
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240 страниц
Категория: Книги
ISBN: 9781606641866
Язык: Английский

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📕 The American Senator made himself at home in the best upstairs sitting-room at the Bush Inn -- and was quite unaware of the indignity offered to him when Mr. Runciman refused to send him up the best sherry. On almost every front, matters in Cheltenham, Dillsborough and Bragton are looking unpromising. Senator Gotobed gains an inkling that he may not have chosen most wisely, in finding Englishmen with whom to have dealings. Mary Masters meanwhile has received a proposal of marriage from Mr. Twentyman . . . but she has a chance encounter with Reginald Morton, and later shows her father a letter stating her intentions -- and the fact that Mr. Masters fails to think of tearing the letter to shreds earns him the most scalding reprimands from Mrs. Masters. And John Morton has been turned down by Arabella Trefoit -- although Reginald, for some reason, seems to think Miss Trefoil did not turn John down. And there is this matter of a diplomatic appointment being offered John -- to Patagonia!