Обложка книги Divided by Gender, United by Chocolate. Differences in the Boardroom, Fiona Beddoes-Jones  
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152 страницы
Категория: Менеджмент и управление
ISBN: 9781907527289
Язык: Английский

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🔖 Every so often a book is written which fundamentally transforms the landscape and the way we think about things. What can explain the gender divide in the Boardroom?Why do some people seem to be 'natural leaders' and others aren't?Why are men more likely to achieve success and be promoted than women?By explaining how our biological make-up can affect the ways we think and behave, this book will change the way you think about leaders and leadership forever.This book:• Gives you a new perspective on Boardroom dynamics.• Explains completely why some people are 'natural leaders' and others aren't. • Explodes the myth of gender stereotypes.• Offers insights into why you lead the way that you do.• May even get you promoted.