Обложка книги Grief Diaries. Through the Eyes of a Widow, Lynda Cheldelin Fell, Mary Lee Robinson, Maryann Mueller  
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270 страниц
Категория: Литература на иностранных языках
ISBN: 9781944328641
Язык: Английский

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📖 Widows in today’s world find little support to recover and adapt to a life they didn’t plan. Friends, family, and others have little idea about how to help, leaving them in a vulnerable spot when they need support most.What can widows do? Where do they turn for help? How do they face the future and rebuild their lives?Through the Eyes of a Widow is a collection of stories by widows across the globe. Each shares her own personal insight into the hidden and often unspoken challenges of losing a husband, including the emotional, mental and social shifts she’s forced to reckon with in the aftermath.With poignant narration, each shares the truths of her loss, and the hope she finds along the way.