Обложка книги Exploring Contemporary Notions of Irish and African Culture, Fiona Whitty  
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Категория: Книги
Язык: Английский
Тираж: 1000

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📙 This book deals with contemporary Irish and African identity. The book explores notions of self and other and reasons why a sense of identity is lost or modified through migration. Both Africa and Ireland have had the archetypical label as noble savages and years of oppression. The Irish were also labeled as the ‘Blacks of Europe’. It is strange that somehow both countries are so disjointed and similar at the same time. Exploring Contemporary Notions of Irish and African Culture provides a space for us to question our artistic and political position and the future of Nigeria as a developing country becoming globalised and influenced by the West juxtaposed with transnational Ireland who has passed through the economic boom and failed capitalist system.