📘 This book is written for “real women” of every age. It is not meantfor beauty queens; rich, pampered or idle women; ladies that only “dolunch”; vain women who are obsessed with their age; or boredsocialites.Although these women are certainly welcome to read the book if theywould like to learn a thing or two about “real beauty”.Like many things in life such as fine wine, classic cars and firstedition books, “ageless women” get more valuable with time.But unlike these items, real beauty is not something that can bepurchased or acquired. It is something each and every one of usalready has within us.We all want to be and look young and healthy. But as each decadepasses, it gets more challenging.How can we continue to be vibrant, healthy and “ageless”, both on theinside and out as time passes?Being “ageless” isn’t just about looking good (although we certainlywill cover the physical aspects of aging). But to hold back theravages of Father Time, we must go much further than “skin-deep”.In this book, we will see how being ageless starts from within. Wewill look at and then go beyond the physical, mental, financial andemotional levels and then later explore the psychological andspiritual aspects of agelessness.In this book, you will begin to see “real beauty” in a whole new light.Being ageless is not only about stopping the aging process on theoutside, but also about discovering who you truly are on the inside.I do not believe you can have one without the other. In this book, wewill ...