86 страниц
Категория: Книги
ISBN: 9781513634470
Язык: Английский

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📗 I get asked this a lot.‘Alan if you had to do just one thing to pack out any salon what would it be?’Interesting question in a time where I meet salon owners that want more and more of new things that work when in actual fact is it possible to do just one thing so brilliantly well – it is all you need?I know the answer because the answer is the single most effective column building strategy I have used myself for well over 17-years to take my own salons to Number one. To pack out all of my stylists and keep them packed from week-to-week for years!Here is that one brilliant strategy that I would still make a priority to use today and I promise you if you do it properly, if you listen closely and IF you stick to the simple punk rules I put down for you, there is a huge chance it could transform your salon very quickly or even faster!I will go a step further and say this… This program will very easily increase your salon client list and columns by 25% in a single week if you stick to the simple rules.