Обложка книги Factors Influencing Parent-Participation in Early Childhood Education, Hannah Wanjiku Kang'ara,John Victor Muthee and Samuel Kaniaru  
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Категория: Литература на иностранных языках
Язык: Английский
Тираж: 500

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📘 The study sought to establish the influence of parents’ participation on development of Early Childhood and Development Programmes in Lioki Githunguri,Kiambu County. Population of study comprised of five pre-school head teachers, twenty five parents and fifty pre-school children. Study used survey method to sample parents, teachers’ and children’s views on parental roles in ECDE programmes. Research instruments included questionnaires, interview schedules and observation check-lists that were completed by the researcher as the respondents indicated. Data collected was analysed with the aid of computer software (SPSS V17.0) for data processing. The study found out a strong relationship between parental involvement in children’s education and positive performance in school. The study recommended rigorous sensitization and education of parents on the importance of getting involved in their children’s education and activities and parental-integration in the management of ECDE centres was emphasized.