Обложка книги The Letters of John Berridge of Everton. A Singular Spirituality (PB), John Berridge  
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498 страниц
Категория: Религия
ISBN: 9781894400626
Язык: Английский

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📖 Edited and annotated by Nigel R. Pibworth

John Berridge (1716-1793) was the vicar of Everton in Bedfordshire and a leader in the eighteenth-century revival. Known for his itineration, earnest preaching, colourful personality, independence of mind and sense of humour, he also published his own hymns and a book on the Calvinistic controversy of the day. These letters, including some to John Wesley, Rowland Hill, Henry Venn, John Newton, John Thornton and Lady Huntingdon, reveal his Christ-centred spirituality, plain speaking, unusual writing style and compassionate concern.