📘 This rare book comprises four lectures given by Besant on the meaning of Theosophy, first in relation to its being the Paravidya, of the Supreme Knowledge; secondly, its role as the Open Road to the Masters, the great teachers of Wisdom; thirdly, as the Root of all the great Religions; and tackled lastly is the Meaning, the Purpose, and the Functions of the Theosophical Society. This engaging text written by the prolific theosophist Annie Besant comprises a comprehensive exposition of the aforementioned topics and as such is a must-read for any student of theosophy. Annie Besant was a prominent British socialist, theosophist, writer, activist and orator and supporter of Irish and Indian self-rule. Originally published in 1913, we are proud to republish this scarce text with an introductory biography of the author.