Обложка книги The Chicano Bible. Barrio Arte, Frank J Alvarez  
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124 страницы
Категория: Развитие ребенка
ISBN: 9780595467679
Язык: Английский

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📙 I write for healing and inspiration, My book is about growing up in Los Angeles, California. My book is about the trials, heartaches, and tribulations that teenagers are faced with. I also include poetry as a way to lift my spirit. My book consists of short easy essays targeted at the young Chicano minds that need God in there lives to help them get through difficult times. I also write about my personal bout with the disease of alcoholism, what I used to be like and what God has called me to do which is to write, inspire, and motivate. My book The Chicano Bible is a fusion of my volunteer work throughout Southern California, preventing self-destructive behavior among children and youth in a gang alternatives program called Barrio Arte. I founded Barrio Arte in Oceanside, California after having survived the cancerous and often deadly "barrio" warfare that I saw in Los Angeles. My book is a compilation of short stories, poetry, pictures, and God's illumination, strength, hope, and power.