Обложка книги The Church Game, Mark R. Hagood  
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92 страницы
Категория: Психология
ISBN: 9781452074948
Язык: Английский

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📕 To help people better understand what to expect in church and to understand why so many people are disappointed in their church experience.To give people a better understanding of how most churches are structured and different types of churches/religions.To let people know that 'most' churches are social clubs, not Holy places as they are led to believe.Churches are full of hypocrites, liars and dishonest people.Churches take people's money under false pretenses and spend the money unwisely with little or no accountability.Many churches are breeding grounds for self-centered, egotistical people to further their ambitions and impose their will over others.Most churches preach and teach 'false doctrine' and put out misinformation concerning the Bible.