Обложка книги My Dear Wife. The Letters of Pvt. Charles H. Prentiss 1862-1865, Nancy N. Jordan  
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344 страницы
Категория: Научная литература
ISBN: 9781504925938
Язык: Английский

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📗 Charles Holbrook Prentiss (1830-1924), my father's great uncle by marriage, wrote many letters home while serving in the 19th Michigan Volunteer Infantry between 1862 and 1865. These letters came to me from my father and I have transcribed them to make them more accessible. They provide a unique and interesting view of events during the war. Charlie wrote his letters to entertain and inform the readers at home. They make you think you are eavesdropping on a veteran's recollections.Nancy Jordan, a native of Kalamazoo, Michigan, is retired in Fairfax, Virginia, with her husband, Douglas, after having lived in a number of places around the country. In addition to raising four daughters, she has been a librarian, school teacher, homemaker, youth leader, genealogist, and transcriber and now enjoys being a grandmother. The transcribing was a labor of love as well as an interesting experience, and she is happy to make the results available to others.