116 страниц
Категория: Литература на иностранных языках
ISBN: 9780996580717
Язык: Английский

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📖 Russell McGee Jr ( a.k.a Genesis the Greykid ) has published a color-fresh book of poetry titled "Words in Grey", realizing his ability to connect a diverse array of people -- from top-tier business mavens to homeless vets. Because Genesis has never met a stranger, and befriends individuals from all walks of life, he has an uncanny ability to learn their stories. As a poet, recording artist, and creative consultant, Genesis has made Chattanooga, Tennessee his new home. Serving as Poet/Artist of the Manhattan based media label Creative Control TV, Genesis has moved back to his southern roots where he has found a new voice in the community, running creative workshops out of various studio spaces. Greykid's poetry reflects the lyrical touch of an E.E. Cummings, rich in observation and whimsy. And like Shel Silverstein, he uses color as a template through which he views a day or a choice encounter. His tone is straightforward and conversational, but one is left thinking "I wish I had said that." Words in Grey is a book that guides the reader to observe -- and speak with Genesis' sense of color and insight. Words in Grey is easy to pick up, and hard to put down. Not only does it include 77 of Genesis' original works, it also includes several pages of writing exercises for his readers so that they, too, will be encouraged to engage in their own creative reflections.