Обложка книги Lucky and other stories, Terence Park  
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146 страниц
Категория: Фантастика
ISBN: 9781291868050
Язык: Английский

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🔖 What if you're not like anybody else? What if you can't be? What does it mean to be human? The odds are stacked against the lost and alone. Lucky is alien. Yep she really is an alien, and this edition collects the first four episodes in her tale.Long, long ago, there was war in the heart of the galaxy. The core stars were ripped apart by the fury of that conflict. Lucky is a survivor from it.Her ship charts a careful course, ploughing its lonely furrow between the stars, always away from what she once knew. She'd stop running but it's now all she knows. Eventually she comes upon a back-water of the Milky Way, known locally as Orion's Belt.Also in this collection, four short stories:After School - civilisation is collapsing, even in the UK.Writing Day - a tale of the last library on Earth.Flower to Tree - all SF nightmares have a beginning.Joe and the Xenophids - humanity are next up on the extinction list.Some explicit content.