Обложка книги An0ma1y, CJ Moseley  
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Категория: Фантастика
ISBN: 9781291445985
Язык: Английский

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📓 When Desi, a twenty-something sci­ence gradu­ate, can't get to sleep one night the last thing she expec­ted was for the TV to explode, for her to get abduc­ted by ali­ens or to get drawn into a tem­poral war that some­how is prob­ably her fault. Dur­ing her adven­tures we also fol­low the pro­gress of two other very dif­fer­ent com­batants also drawn into this war. One is Garner a half-fey, half-human wiz­ard work­ing for a mad machine-god and the other is a mem­ber of a spir­itu­ally rich spe­cies of shape-shifting trav­el­lers, that call them­selves the Bul­mäs, but that Desi knows by a host of other names.This is a story with UFOs, ali­ens, time-travel, magic, faer­ies, shape-shifters, were­wolves, time-slips, tarot, nan­o­tech­no­logy, femto­tech­no­logy, weapon­ised tem­poral para­doxes, altern­ate uni­verses, fate, space-craft, arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, cyber­wraiths, myth­o­logy and dreams...