🔖 HIV/Aids is undoubtedly the most formidable public problem facing South Africa today. Schools, families and communities are feeling the impact of illness and death. Most of the infections are among the teenagers of school going age. Attempts are made in South Africa to make people aware of HIV/AIDS. The study focused on the school principals from semi-urban areas and informal settlements. The findings indicate that school principals are foot soldiers who experience the impact of the pandemic at school level. All awareness campaigns in schools impact directly and indirectly on them. Their role can have positive or negative influence on awareness campaigns. Different agents of awareness campaigns are explored in this book, among others; Love Life, Red Ribbon, HOPE, Soul City and Khomanani. The study reveals the influence of HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns on school principals, learners and educators. This book will assist the principals, educators, managers, government departments and private sector on the importance of inter-sectoral participation in fighting the scourge of HIV/AIDS.