Обложка книги The State in Relation to Labour, William Stanley Jevons  
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Категория: Бизнес образование
ISBN: 9783865508126
Язык: Английский

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📗 William Stanley Jevons (1835-1882), English economist andlogician, was one of three men to simultaneously advance the socalled"marginal revolution." Jevons' work "The Theory of PoliticalEconomy" (1871), along with similar discoveries made by CarlMenger in Vienna (1871) and by Léon Walras in Switzerland(1874), marked the opening of a new period in the history ofeconomic thought. Jevons studied chemistry and botany atUniversity College, London. Because of the bankruptcy of hisfather's business in 1847, Jevons left school to take up theposition of assayer at the Mint in Sydney, Australia. Returning toEngland in 1859, he published "General Mathematical Theory ofPolitical Economy", and in 1863 "Pure Logic", wherein heimproved the symbolic logic schema pioneered by George Booleand his teacher Augustus De Morgan. Three years later he wasappointed Professor of Logic and Philosophy at Owens College,Manchester, and in 1876 he was glad to exchange the Owensprofessorship for the professorship of political economy inUniversity College, London.