204 страницы
Категория: Научная литература
ISBN: 9783764309282
Язык: Немецкий

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📓 iii Preface The following is a map of this document. Chapters 1,2 --A psychological model of creative thought, forming the basis for the PYGMALION design principles. Chapter 3 --Other projects which adhere to some of the same principles. Chapters 4,5 --The PYGMALION programming environment in detail. Chapter 6 --Examples of PYGMALION programs and data structures. Chapter 7 --Conclusions and suggestions for the future. This paper places equal emphasis oil presenting a psychological model of thought and using the model in a computer environment. Readers interested in aspects of creative thoug·ht which can be assisted by a computer should read chapters I and 2. Readers interested in how the PYGMALION system attempts to stimulate creative thought should look at chapter 6 (mostly pictures) to get the flavor, then read chapters 4 and 5. The works of others which deal with the same aspects are described in chapter 3. Chapter 7 suggests areas for future exploration. Thorough readers will read the chapters in order. Chapter 6 and 4-A through 4-D are a minimal set for readers in a hurry. There are three parts to this report.